Saturday, January 9, 2010

Eye on Justice to air locally, online

In metropolitan Minnesota, Comcast pays a price for its media monopoly. The internet, cable, phone, and billboard company's contract monopolizing the cable TV running throughout the Twin Cities mandates opening several cable channels to locally produced PEG-- Public, Education, and Government programming.
In Minneapolis, only 3 of these channels are utilized by busy volunteer media-makers: cable channels 16, 17, and 75. Anyone can submit TV shows as long as they are non-commercial. Check out the guidelines at
Groundbreaking new shows are being prepared to air on Minneapolis Television Network and St. Paul Network, like a news/talk show about police brutality and local politics: Eye On Justice. This project is an effort of the entirely volunteer-driven grassroots group, Communities United Against Police Brutality, to reach out to the public and open people's eyes to some famous cases of police misconduct.
You can keep your eye on justice (and injustice) by sneaking a peek at the first three shows by CUAPB TV, online:
Each is about 45 minutes. Upcoming shows will explore more famous and shocking true cases of law enforcement out of control, illustrating that nationwide trend. They will draw on reporting done by Twin Cities IndyMedia Collective and footage from CopWatch shifts, when CUAPB members tape actualities of police conduct out in the streets.
If you have such a story to tell, please contact this group of Cop and Court Watchers:
Their 24-hour hotline is 612-874-STOP